Elder Treadway

Elder Treadway
First baptism in the Ocean

Cebu, Philippines

Cebu, Philippines


Elder Brandon Treadway
Philippines Cebu Mission
Temple Complex CJCLDS
St. Lahug
Cebu City


Less expensive option to send letters by using either a postcard or one sheet of paper, folded into three-panels and taped at the top (NO ENVELOPES), with regular stamp to this address:

Elder Brandon Richard Treadway

Philippines Cebu Mission

POB 30150

Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150



Go to www.dearelder.com and create a FREE account to write Elder Brandon Richard Treadway, select Phillipines, Cebu Mission. Check "Instructions." "Dearelder letters" should be sent in by Thurs. in order to be mailed off each Tuesday.

June 22, 2010

Subject: Re: Just having a moment today. 

Hey mom.

To be honest, I do everything in my power to NOT have those moments. Those moments are terrible for us missionaries. So here's the lowdown on the transfer. I'm follow-up training a new missionary from Hawaii named Elder Akina. I get him Friday afternoon. And then I got called as a District Leader. So now I have to give workshops and stuff every other week. We'll see how that goes. I asked Dad for some help and you know that I'm gonna be asking for help from my other dad--my Heavenly Father.

That was a freaking sweet package! Dont worry--nothing got stolen and the cookies were all good. So were the Sour Patch Kids. Elder Estavillo said he's gonna start writing you guys every week so he can get some Sour Patch Kids.

The video was awesome! It worked on the computer. Dont know why it wouldnt work on the camera. Dang. I saw your video: "HEY BRANDON!!!! Oh. Thats not good" That was hilarious. I just turned to my comp and said, "thats my mom." Ben's bit was great. I miss telling storis with that guy. Sure miss Ben. And I could tell you kept telling Brian to wrap up his video. Dad's head turn in his video was amazing. The part that made me laugh the hardest was the part where Daniel called that kid Haribo. hahahahaha. Here's the story: So one time we were in a Friday Forum doing some sorty of competition thing. Its when Tyelar came home so he was there too. So you know how competitive me and Tyelar get. Well our team is killing the other team...bad. And that kid Haribo was on the other team. And he pipes up and says something to me and Tyelar and I just say, "Hey calm down there Haribo." So Daniel leans over to me and asks me why I called him Haribo. And I say, "well you know Haribo Gummi Bears? That kid looks like a gummi bear!" hahahahaha. So we called him Haribo for the rest of the year. I still dont think he knows why.

But the highlight was the music and pencils. We put in the MoTab CD as we were huddled around the CD player, desperate to hear anything other than EFY. We thought we were going to die from EFY. And when the Tab Choir sang that first huge note we just started hooping and hollering and high fiving--because it wasn't EFY. haha. And that violin chick is crazy! We both are really diggin that CD. Its perfect for when we study cuz there's no words. Speaking of study...the pencil. Thank you. Thank you x 100,000. Its the greatest scripture study thing EVER! Six colors! And I have some refills in my bag that I brought from the MTC. But those refills are good things to send for Birthdays, Christmas or just any time. *cough*.

Tyelar told me all about how much he loves the food at the MTC. He said he wount have to diet at all. Its disgusting. haha. I told him that I warned him. He's really excited. He's gonna do great. We'll see how insane he gets over the next 3 months in there.

Ben wrote me a really short email in response to my monster email I sent him two weeks ago. He didnt talk about anything I said. So I'm gonna resend it and then wish him good luck at EFY. Luck kid. EFY. Except for the music (Granted, its great when its not the only thing you listen to.) that is the most fun thing ever. Can't wait to be a counselor in two summers. WOAH! A COUNSELOR!!! My dream.

So its really starting to get rainy here. Lightning and thunder are in our backyard...literally. We were eating lunch last week when something hit our roof. Yeah. Lightning struck our house. Everything electric spasmed and then came back on. The thunder hit at the same time and it was soooooooo loud!!! It was crazy. Our backyard floods a bit too. When it rains here it POURS!!! It all comes down. And we're just getting started with rainy season. Its gonna get worse.

Anyway, I'm excited for this next transfer and the challenges ahead.

Love you,
