We got ourselves two investigators with baptismal dates now! hahahaha. We're so stoked! you have no idea! I told Elder Seupule that this area was going to be like a train. He was getting really depressed that we had no baptisms happening this month. Sometimes his zeal gets him depressed. I told him that a mission is hard. Its not cupcakes and butterflies like the MTC makes it sound like. Especially when you're reopening an area. I said its like a train because when a train starts off it moves slow. But it knows its potential. It knows how powerful and how fast it can go. So it keeps pushing and it takes a while, but slowly it picks up speed and then that thing is moving at full speed and it can't be stopped. Thats how things are going for us now. We're not getting started anymore but we're not quite at full speed. We're at medium speed.
Love you