Elder Treadway

Elder Treadway
First baptism in the Ocean

Cebu, Philippines

Cebu, Philippines


Elder Brandon Treadway
Philippines Cebu Mission
Temple Complex CJCLDS
St. Lahug
Cebu City


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Elder Brandon Richard Treadway

Philippines Cebu Mission

POB 30150

Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150



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November 9, 2010


So to be up front, this week hasn't seen much legit missionary work. We taught a lesson yesterday. It was our 2nd in the last two weeks. Just lots of missionary logistics and getting things in order and in place. The apartment out in Catmon is all put together and I'm super happy that we dont have to go there any more. hahaha.

As for myself, I'm doing well. Almost done with John and just finished Alma again. I'm on my 7th time reading the Book of Mormon so far in my mission. I have highlighted all the good guys names in green, bad guys in brown, places in light blue and references to Christ in red. Its really enriched my reading. Love it.
So I have a funny story. So we're out in Catmon and I see Elder Atanacio playing with his ear. So I ask what up and he tells me that he thinks that a bug flew in it. He said he saw it fly in and he can hear it and feel it moving. So we start going home and I text Sister Hansen about what he needs to do to get it out. He told me to stick a pencil in there to get it out but no way was I gonna shove a bug deeper in this guys brain. So Sister Hansen texts back that we need to go to the ER and get the bug pulled out of his ear. The whole way he's just talking about how its chirping and moving. He said it felt like it was just going deeper and deeper. So we get to the ER after a 20 minute drive and they put us in a room. A doctor comes in and asks whats up. So we tell him that a bug flew in his ear. So the doctor comes back and starts looking in his ear....nothing. At first he gives the conclusion that it may have burrowed in. But then he looks really hard and says there is nothing. So we go eat at a barbecue (which was FULL of guys dressed as girls by the way...) and then he keeps saying he can feel it in there. So we go back and they tell us to look again is going to be 500 pesos. So we bounced. So no bug. None. hahahahaha. It was a really funny trip though.

To be honest, I really think my companion is awesome. He's really lightened up a lot. I just kinda got him talking one night and he opened up about some stuff to me so I opened up with him about some stuff. Then I just joked a lot with him about funny things that happen. We always joke about each other getting sent home for sitting next to a girl on a bus or a jeepney or something. Its not very funny unless your there. We're both really obedient.

OH! So we go shopping for stuff for the new house in Catmon. We go with the Bailey's. You know, Elder Bailey is the airplane mechanic. No messin around. I wanted to die. It was sooooooo not fun at all. It could have been. Me and Elder Atanacio were cracking jokes and joking with the attendants at the store because they were scared of Elder Bailey and couldn't understand his English. But man, let me tell you. Elder Bailey was not having fun. He was raising his voice, complaining about this and that. I kept trying to lighten the mood in the car telling stories and jokes but only me and Elder Atanacio were laughing. The Grinch is out early this year....

Love you all. Talk more next week.