Elder Treadway

Elder Treadway
First baptism in the Ocean

Cebu, Philippines

Cebu, Philippines


Elder Brandon Treadway
Philippines Cebu Mission
Temple Complex CJCLDS
St. Lahug
Cebu City


Less expensive option to send letters by using either a postcard or one sheet of paper, folded into three-panels and taped at the top (NO ENVELOPES), with regular stamp to this address:

Elder Brandon Richard Treadway

Philippines Cebu Mission

POB 30150

Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150



Go to www.dearelder.com and create a FREE account to write Elder Brandon Richard Treadway, select Phillipines, Cebu Mission. Check "Instructions." "Dearelder letters" should be sent in by Thurs. in order to be mailed off each Tuesday.

March 01, 2011

Hey dad.
So this week was great. We had a baptism for this kid Arnel Sayon. He was not a very easy investigator but when I finally just told him that all the answers where in the Book of Mormon and that he just needed to figure it out himself through prayer, it was all cake from there. We had the baptism and you can tell the kid is CONVERTED!!!! At this point I'm six for six in this area with active, spiritually-converted converts. So happy.
Then a week or two ago I got a text from this kid that we had contacted out of frustration because he had called me Joe. So we just went up to him and his buddies and contacted them to show them that I wasn't just "some American guy", I was one who could speak his language. That usually shuts up the hecklers pretty quick. We left them a pamphlet with our phone number and left. SIX WEEKS LATER I get a text from this kid saying that he and his buddies have read the pamphlet and want to get baptized and turn their lives around. Whaaaaaaaat???? hahaha. So we taught them on Sunday and committed all four of them to baptism on April 9. I hope it works out because I AM STILL IN THIS AREA AND I AM NOT TRANSFERRING ON FRIDAY!!!!! Oh my gosh. They stepped my companion down with one transfer left before he goes home. Thats the second time in a row that's happened. I feel kind of jipped because I was going to be transferring to an area with a car but the Lord wants me here. And wherever the Captain wants me, that's where I'll stay.

We also committed that sister Lore on Thursday to a March 26 baptismal date. She's terrified but she accepted because she knows that she needs to do it. We told her that we will be there for her every step of the way. Her husband is going to be a good help too...I hope. He didn't give her the reaction we were expecting when she told him she was getting baptized.

We also have another investigator that came to our ward for the first time on Sunday. We taught her yesterday and come to find out that she has read the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, Gospel Principles Manual and watched all the Church History DVDs. haha. Then she basically proved to US that the church is true before we could even teach her anything. But when I asked her to get baptized she turned it down because she wants to check out the Muslims and Protestant religions before she commits to anything. That is seriously the worst logic ever. I told her that if I am looking for a shoe that I lost or can't find, I don't keep searching for it AFTER I HAVE IT!!! haha. She's confusing herself a little bit I think. She just needs to get back to basics.  We just need a little more time. And now I have that. haha. Dangit.

Love you dad. Thanks.

Hey mom.

yeah. So first about the study thing. Yeah. Freaking love the scriptures. I'm reading the Old Testament right now. Holy cow. SHOOT ME while I was reading the Pentateuch! It was so drawn out already. Not to mention the fact that Deuteronomy is basically a re-cap of all the pain of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. But I finished the Pentateuch a while ago and I'm cruisin!!! I'm in the middle of 1 Samuel. There is some crazy stuff that happens in there! Like in Judges chapter 4 or 6, one of the kings that the Israelites were trying to own snuck into the tent of some Israelite lady. She promised him safety and then in the middle of the night drove a nail straight through the guys head! Daaaaang. There's some crazy stuff. I highlight all the insane stuff so that I can stay more interested. The Old Testament isn't exactly the doctrinal rock that the Book of Mormon is. Thats why I read both. I dont know if I told you what my favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon is yet. Its Alma 42. I read it every time I'm in the Celestial room. Its just so good and its all about why we're here and why life seems so hard with all these rules and stuff. Love it! I know we're not supposed to aspire but my dream calling would be Gospel Doctrine teacher. I think I could help make that class awesome....erest.

That's great about Emma. I've been praying for her every day and I put her name on the prayer roll in the temple today along with Joey, Steph and Ben...and me. haha. Sometimes I feel like I could use a couple of temple-energized prayers in addition to the millions that you guys are putting out there for me. Thanks for that by the way. That would be super awesome if they moved closer to us. I think that it would help them accept the gospel better if we could have them over for Family Home Evenings and be around a place where the Holy Ghost is all the time.

Thanks for everything mom. Keep it up!