Elder Treadway

Elder Treadway
First baptism in the Ocean

Cebu, Philippines

Cebu, Philippines


Elder Brandon Treadway
Philippines Cebu Mission
Temple Complex CJCLDS
St. Lahug
Cebu City


Less expensive option to send letters by using either a postcard or one sheet of paper, folded into three-panels and taped at the top (NO ENVELOPES), with regular stamp to this address:

Elder Brandon Richard Treadway

Philippines Cebu Mission

POB 30150

Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150



Go to www.dearelder.com and create a FREE account to write Elder Brandon Richard Treadway, select Phillipines, Cebu Mission. Check "Instructions." "Dearelder letters" should be sent in by Thurs. in order to be mailed off each Tuesday.

May 24, 2011

Hey dad.
So to be honest, this week went a lot better. My comp had a chat with the mission president and they discussed the things that were making him irritated. Apparently there were some things going on back home that had him kind of ticked off. So once he was able to talk to the President about them, things made a U turn. So thats good. We are able to end well cuz now I have a new comp. Elder Culango. He's a kid from Davao. Interestingly enough, we were already living in the same house. He just stepped up from DL to ZL. So I get to train him as a ZL. Its great cuz we're already good friends and we had kind of talked about this being our situation. We're both stoked.

Its cool when I get to hear that you guys are doing missionary work back home too. Sometimes I just get discouraged out here because sometimes members forget that we shouldn't have to go tracting! We should be getting at least 2 referrals a week! When we get a referral its like a baptism in a nice little basket ready for us. Every baptism I had in Lilo-An was a referral. They're all still active and have callings and the priesthood. It just makes everything so much easier.

Speaking of which, we held a Family Home Evening at a members home not too long ago and the daughter invited one of her friends, Angel, to come to the FHE. Well, she was really touched by the Spirit that she felt and requested from the family a Book of Mormon and some Liahonas. She started reading and we started teaching her. She came to the first lesson with 10 or 12 questions about Joseph Smith and the Restoration. We answered them and then left her with 3 Nephi 11 and the commitment to pray about it. We came back for the second visit, discussed 3 Nephi 11 and baptism. We asked her how her prayer went and she said that she felt that Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and the Church were all true. We testified, reviewed a verse about baptism in 3 Nephi 11 and committed her to baptism. She said yes. JUNE 25 BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!! PRAYER! FASTING! MORE PRAYER! HARD WORK! AND NOW I GOT A BAPTISM SCHEDULED!!!! She came to church on Sunday, loved it. Then Monday, we had another Family Home Evening at her house and got to meet her family. NOW THEY WANNA BE TAUGHT!!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!! THATS THE GOOD STUFF KIDS GO FOR!!!! We go back tonight. Plan is to commit them to baptism for the same day as Angel. The Church is true. That's all I can say.

Then Elder Gertge and I were using some of that delicious money that I was able to withdraw to get some burgers at this American's joint out here in Camotes. He had made a couple references to his family's religious background but nothing really concrete. His wife is Tagalog so I have a little difficulty communicating with her but the guy, John, finds it fascinating that I'm fluent in Visayan. So we started talking a little bit about how I learned the language and then he says, "You know, its a shame that we can't tap into the Gift of Tongues like the Apostles could." I kind of chuckled a little bit and asked him why we couldn't. He said because nobody knows how. Well, then I started talking to him a little about the Gift of the Holy Ghost, one thing led to another and then we were on Joseph Smith. He was so fascinated. Elder Gertge and I were bouncing questions off him and adding to his answers, he said he would like to see some of our literature and I said we'd get him a Book of Mormon. Well we went home, grabbed one and rushed it back to him. We told him we'd follow up with his reading on Friday and see what he thought. He seems pretty interested. I'm praying pretty hard for this guy. He's pretty confused about religion overall.

As for the camera, the packaging looked pretty good. It was in good condition. I'll just say it was being watched over. I haven't taken many pics yet. Maybe 2 or 3 but I'll get some done this week. As for some of the food I was able to get: PopTarts (DANG THAT STUFF IS GOOD!) and some Chips Ahoy! White Chocolate Chunky... The nacho cheese is in and I got some Tostitos. I think I need to boil some powdered milk to make the cheese more saucy. Got some socks, some Old Spice, and now I'm loving life!

As for sports, thanks so much for the updates. Looks like the blessings of my service are extending beyond my family. The Giants are on a run and the Jazz have a sweet lottery pick. That's what I'm talking about!

Love you guys,


PS. Christmas. I'll be there!