Elder Treadway

Elder Treadway
First baptism in the Ocean

Cebu, Philippines

Cebu, Philippines


Elder Brandon Treadway
Philippines Cebu Mission
Temple Complex CJCLDS
St. Lahug
Cebu City


Less expensive option to send letters by using either a postcard or one sheet of paper, folded into three-panels and taped at the top (NO ENVELOPES), with regular stamp to this address:

Elder Brandon Richard Treadway

Philippines Cebu Mission

POB 30150

Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150



Go to www.dearelder.com and create a FREE account to write Elder Brandon Richard Treadway, select Phillipines, Cebu Mission. Check "Instructions." "Dearelder letters" should be sent in by Thurs. in order to be mailed off each Tuesday.

August 24, 2011


So its a BOY! And its FILIPINO! hahaha. I was totally expecting an American greenie with the construction of the MTC and what not but that's okay. His name is Elder Serrano and he is a BOSS!!!!!! He's from Quezon City so he speaks Tagalog....and ZERO Cebuano. haha. But that's okay. He has a nice American here to teach him how to speak a Filipino dialect. He thinks that's hilarious. He tells everyone that its so ironic. He's really good at English and he works really hard. And THEN!!! Both of our zone leaders (that were Anti-Elder Treadway for some reason that I still cannot figure out) got pulled out of the area and Elder Culala and Elder Hardin got put in who just so happen to be two of my really good buddies! I'm so stoked! It's awesome! So now it is me and my two buddies and my kid all in the same house. Its so much fun and we can really feel the Spirit because there isn't a single bit of contention at all! That was something that was constantly present in the last transfer. It was Elder Prescott and I knowing that the Zone Leaders didn't like us but them ACTING like they did with no genuineness. It was really tough. Probably one of the hardest challenges I've had in my mission. To be in a house with people that just could not get along with me no matter how much I tried. Sad.
But Elder Serrano is a boss. He and I went out yesterday and we tore it up! We got some pretty hard rejections and some pretty blatant lies right in our face like some kid telling us that we couldn't visit him because he went to school from 7 am to 8 pm. hahahahaha. That's not school. That's slavery. I told him that most people just can't say no so they try to make it sound like they really want to listen but just don't have the time. But since it was raining yesterday, everyone was stuck at home and it was doors in our faces and people telling us to never come back and all the good stuff. I love it. I'll take some doors in the face for the Lord. I'm trying to teach him that whatever happens, the Lord is in it. I really want him to understand that early on in his mission. 2 Nephi 2:24 has become one of my all-time favorite scriptures. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does life seem so tough? There's your answer. Game, set, match. Definitely one of the greatest lessons I will ever learn in this life. I'm glad I learned it this early.

Love you all!